Ice Nicotine Pouches: Habanero Sunset & Licorice Razz - Reviews. 18 May 2021.

Ice is a relatively new company that makes both nicotine pouches and CBD pouches.  They're based Iceland, and are Iceland's first and (currently) only nicotine pouch manufacturer.  I reviewed their first four nicotine pouch products back in December, and their first CBD pouches back in October.  Now, they've released two new products!  I was browsing and saw these, and threw a can of each on a recent order to check out.  I enjoy unique flavors, so habanero definitely caught my attention.  And, you can never go wrong with raspberry and licorice, so this one will be fun, as well!  So, let's get into the reviews and check these out.

Ice Habanero Sunset
Flavor Description:  "ICE Habanero Sunset is a fresh, sharp nicopod with a delicious habanero pepper and blood orange flavor".
Can Contents:  12g, 20 portions, 0.6g portions.
Nicotine Strength:  24mg/g (2.4%), or 14.4mg/portion

Ice Habanero Sunset
Review:  When you open the can, a lightly sweet aroma of pepper greets you along with a subtle hint of orange.  Okay, I'm digging this.  The portions are slim, soft, and pretty comfortable under the lip.  They do come with a mild burn, at first.  In the flavor, it's not super spicy.  So don't worry there.  It's relatively mild in nature.  The orange comes through pretty clearly, along with a subtle sweetness.  There's a lightly spicy flavor of pepper in the back, but it's not too hot by any means.  The nicotine strength feels to be a little above regular strength, and the flavor kicks around for about 35-40 minutes.

Ice Licorice Razz
Flavor Description:  "ICE Liquorice Razz is a fresh nicopod with a delicious liquorice and raspberry flavor".  
Can Contents:  12g, 20 portions, 0.6g portions.  
Nicotine Strength: 18mg/g (1.8%), or 10.8mg/portion

Ice Licorice Razz
Review: In the aroma of this one, I pick up a mild, even blending of raspberry and black licorice.  It's not super sweet, either, which is pretty nice.  The portions, like the last one, have a slim fit with a soft portion material.  The flavor is mild, but not weak.  The raspberry comes through first and has a natural, lightly sweet presence to it.  The black licorice taste is right behind it.  It serves as a nice compliment to the flavor of the raspberry.  The nicotine strength feels to be a little above regular, and the flavor lasts about 40-45 minutes, on average.

Rating and Final Thoughts

I was pretty impressed with both of these.  Honestly, they were better than the first four Ice products I've had so far.  Raspberry Licorice was my favorite of the two, at 3.17/5.  Habanero rated at 2.82/5.  The scores may sound low, but again, I don't use a lot of nicotine pouches.  I can say that I suggest people who use nicotine pouches to try these out, because the flavors are pretty unique and enjoyable.  And hey, it's not yet another mint product!  
