Ice CBD Pouches - Review. 14 October 2020.

I've been doing a lot of CBD reviews lately.  So far, I've reviewed Kurwa CBD Pouches, V&You CBD Pouches, Live Free CBD Pouches, and my personal favorite, Cannadips CBD Pouches.  I don't usually review Kurwa, but I did recently because their product mixes nicotine and CBD.  This product is much the same, with one nicotine free, and one with nicotine.  This product contains E460 cellulose, and is completely tobacco free.  Their website shows that they are made in Iceland, and I found them for order on a new website I just noticed,  If you aren't familiar with CBD, it's short for Cannabidiol, and is a substance derived from hemp or cannabis that comes with a wide range of health effects.  I use it for a lot of things - such as headache and back pains.  Mrs. Snubie uses it for anxiety, insomnia, back pains, and headaches.  Needless to say, it has a lot of great benefits.  These products made me curious because they also mix in nicotine, so I'm curious to see how the stimulating effect of nicotine interacts with the calming effect of CBD.

Ice CBD Pouches: Nicotine Free (+200 CBD)

Product Description:  "ICE CBD is a fresh pouch without nicotine and contains 10 mg of CBD."
Can Contents:  12 grams / 20 portions / 0.6g portions
Nicotine Content:  Nicotine-Free
CBD Content:  10mg/pouch

Ice CBD Pouches: Nicotine Free (+200 CBD)

When you open the can, there is a present menthol aroma along with a light touch of mint.  The portions are slim, and comfortable, but light in weight.  They also come with a mild cooling presence.  I don't advise fluffing them, as they tend to pop open at the seam when I fluff them.  The flavor is a fresh, but mild taste of mint with menthol tones.  In terms of effect, I don't feel much CBD from these, much less than I notice with Cannadips, which is also 10mg/pouch.  The flavor doesn't seem to last too long, usually these cap out at about 30 minutes of longevity.

Ice CBD Pouches: Icicle (+100mg CBD/8mg Nicotine)

Product Description:  "ICE Icicle is a fresh nicopod with a delicious apple and mint flavour. This variant contains 5 mg of CBD."
Can Contents:  12 grams / 20 portions / 0.6g portions
Nicotine Content:  8mg/g (0.8%) / 4.8mg/portion
CBD Content:  5mg/pouch

Ice CBD Pouches: Icicle (+100mg CBD/8mg Nicotine)

When you open the can, the aroma comes with nice, mild tones of fresh green apple and a light touch of mint.  The portions are pretty soft, light in weight, and have a gentle cooling presence in the lip.  Again, don't fluff them as they tend to pop open at the seam.  The flavor is nowhere near as apparent as the aroma, and is much milder.  It has a faint taste of green apple, along with a light, fresh touch of mint.  In terms of effect, I feel light levels of nicotine, like a mini portion snus.  However, I don't notice much effect from the CBD.  The flavor isn't very long lasting, usually only about 30 minutes on average.

Ice CBD Pouches: Frost (+200mg CBD/18mg Nicotine)

Product Description:  "ICE Frost is a fresh nicopod with the ice-cold taste of various mint flavours. This variant contains 10 mg of CBD."
Can Contents:  11g / 20 portions / 0.55g portions
Nicotine Content:  18mg/g (1.8%) / 9.9mg/portion
CBD Content:  10mg/pouch
Ice CBD Pouches: Frost (+200mg CBD/18mg Nicotine)

When you open the can, there's a present menthol aroma, along with a light touch of mint.  The portions are slim, comfortable, and soft under the lip.  They come with a fresh cooling presence, as well.  Like I said above, don't fluff them, as they do tend to pop open at the seam.  The flavor is a faint, mild taste of menthol with a light touch of mint.  In terms of effect, the nicotine delivery is pretty solid, about what I feel from regular snus.  However, I don't notice much effect from the CBD.  The flavor isn't too long lasting, usually only about 30 minutes at most.

In terms of ratings, I'm not going to go line by line, so I'll just post them here.  The Nicotine Free one received a 2.16/5, Frost received a 2.29/5, and Icicle received 2.41/5.  These weren't bad products, but nothing I'd probably use again.  In terms of the nicotine and CBD interacting, I tended to notice more effect from the nicotine and not much from the CBD.  For CBD, I usually use Cannadips, because I think it's a better product.  But these were certainly better than the Kurwa CBD Pouches I reviewed earlier!
