Oden's 69 (Extreme White Dry) Review - 16 October 2015.

Okay, get the giggles out of the way: yes, this snus is called Oden's 69. When I asked GNT about this product years ago, they assured me that it was simply a product number. Which now makes sense considering we have Oden's 29, Oden's 59, Oden's 79 and Oden's 89.  In the past, I reviewed Oden's 69 (White Dry), and this review will be over the Extreme White Dry version. The flavor description says, "Oden's 69 Extreme White Dry Portion is a very strong snus. Like the rest of Odens range has Oden's 69 Extreme serving the spicy and traditional tobacco flavor but somewhat milder."

When you open the can, you'll notice the portions are dryer than a white portion, but not as dry as Oden's white dry portions used to be. The can is light in weight, and this can only had about 15 portions in it. This is mainly to help people in areas where snus is taxed by weight.  The aroma is a mild but slightly sweet citrus smell.  The portions are white dry, so the flavor develops a little slower but also lasts a lot longer than the average snus!  The flavor is relatively mild, a simple citrus flavor with a slight touch of sweetness to it.  The taste is quite mellow and never gets to be too bold.  I also don't notice and pepper or any tobacco flavor, either.  If you're in the market for a snus with a relatively simple flavor and a high nicotine content, this may be up your alley!

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