Lenny's Cut Los - Review. 17 June 2015.

Two of our most requested reviews are Lenny's Cut Los and Siberia (-80 Degrees). I recently reviewed Siberia (-80 Degrees) and today I'm reviewing Lenny's Cut Los. Thanks to a reader of Snubie.com for hooking us up with some of this for review. Lenny's Cut Los and Siberia aren't available to the US so it took a little work to get ahold of them for review.

Lenny's Cut Los is a value priced snus from GN Tobacco. I reviewed Lenny's Cut Portion back in 2013, so I've been looking forward to reviewing the los counterpart. I don't do los whenever I'm out and about, but when I'm at home los is the majority of my snus usage. Granted, I mostly use Goteborg's Prima Fint Los, I do like to mix it up from time to time and try new things.  The can design is really neat, I like the plaid look - it's very Scottish.

Lenny's Cut Los is a little bit finer than most los products I use, so this is one I prefer to use an Icetool with.  When you open the can, a very mild tobacco aroma comes through accompanied by a slightly sweet smell of citrus; the smell is closer to orange than bergamot. There's also a slightly sweet floral aroma that comes through as well.  The taste is a very mild and earthy tobacco taste, a slightly sweet taste of orange and a really gentle and refreshing floral flavor that accompanies the citrus taste.  For a value priced snus, this one has a great flavor. If I had to compare it with something else, I'd say it reminds me of a lighter version of Gustavus, which I've been a big fan of for many years.

So if you're looking for a snus to save a little money but don't want to sacrifice quality, this is a great one to try.  For a budget brand, this one packs a non-budget flavor.

This product available for purchase at SnusMe.com!

Check out our video review:
