Skruf Cranberry Slim (Discontinued) and Skruf Stark Slim Reviews. 31 March 2013.

There are two new Skruf Slim portions I'd like to talk about - Skruf Slim Cranberry White and Skruf Slim Strong White. It seems more and more companies are going towards the long/slim portion format, and with good cause, it truly is the best and most comfortable way to enjoy snus.

This is an older review of Skruf Slim Stark White.  This product has been placed in a new can, so I've written a new and more in-depth review of Skruf Slim Stark White that you can access here.
Skruf Stark White Slim has much the same flavor as Skruf Stark White, and a similar aroma. When you open the can, the hints of citrus and rose oil come through very clearly. The portions are longer than usual, and fit comfortably in the lip. The taste is also very much like Skruf White Stark, a mellow balance of tobacco, citrus, and rose oil, which is a common element in Skruf Snus. The nicotine level is a 3/4 on the "Skruf Scale of Power", which means it's strong, but not kick you in the face strong. So if you're a fan of the Skruf profile and like a strong snus but want to enjoy it in a longer portion, check this one out, it's quite enjoyable.
Skruf Slim Tranbar White has been discontinued and is no longer for sale.

I like Cranberry snus, and I was about to mention how surprised I am I haven't wrote about it in a while - but honestly, Skruf is the only one making it. In early 2009, I did a Cranberry Snus Deathmatch and compared Skruf Tranbar to Offroad Cranberry (which sadly, no longer exists), and in August 2009 I wrote about Offroad Cranberry Strong, another one which no longer exists. In September 2009 I wrote about Offroad Cranberry Los, which I also enjoyed, but it is no longer produced either. So Skruf Tranbar (Cranberry) White has been the only cranberry snus to survive.
Skruf has added another to their slim/long line - Tranbar White Long. The aroma when you open the can is a sweet fruity smell with hints of cranberry, and the taste is very much the same. It's almost like a Cran-Grape, it's not very much like bold cranberry - those of you who have had cranberry juice know what I mean, but it's a more sweet and fruity cranberry taste. The nicotine level is a 2/4 on the "Skruf Scale of Power", so it's about the strength of an original snus portion. I urge anyone who hasn't tried a cranberry snus to check it out, it's a nice little change of pace to the usual rotation and a good way to mix things up!
