Cannadips Rippers (Delta 8 Pouches) - Review. 1 November 2023.

I've been a big fan of Cannadips for many years now. Lately, they've been expanding and adding a lot of new things to their portfolio including caffeine pouches, melatonin pouches, nicotine pouches, HHCP pouches, THCP pouches, as well as Delta 8 pouches!  If you're not familiar with Delta 8, it's a psychoactive compound that comes from the hemp plant.  While this does have under 0.3% THC, Cannadips notes it is possible to fail a drug test when using this one.  Some of the effects are said to be euphoric feelings, relaxing feelings, and pain relief, to name a few!  Like other Cannadips products, each can weighs 8.25 grams and has 15 pouches, for 0.55g per pouch weight.  There is 50mg of Delta 8 in each pouch.  Today, we have three products to talk about, but first I want to talk about their commonalities.  Then we'll talk about where they are different in each review, mainly aroma and flavor.

Pouch / Mouthfeel - Each pouch is slightly lighter in weight than a normal snus portion, for comparison.  I find them to be moderately dry, but soft and comfortable under the lip.  In time, with usage, they'll soften up and get more comfortable in the lip as the flavor releases.
Flavor Longevity - As with other Cannadips products, you get a lot of flavor longevity with these.  I find them to last well over an hour, sometimes up to almost two hours.  That's pretty impressive flavor longevity!
Delta 8 Sensation - I was pretty pleased with the effect.  I found it to be pretty relaxing in general, and I did note some pain relief effects when testing it with a few headaches.

Now, let's check out the reviews!

Cannadips Rippers Delta-8 Tropical Mango
Flavor Description:  "It tastes super fresh and juicy without being overly sweet.  The mango taste is chill and not overwhelming, almost reminiscent of a light mango, melon or an exotic vacation in Hawaii and your favorite blended beverage at the pool".

Review:  When you open the can, the mango aroma that comes through is really nice.  It's tropical, slightly tango, maybe a little sweet.  The taste is fantastic.  This has always been one of my favorite Cannadips flavor profiles.  The mango comes through clearly, with a subtle sweetness to it.  It's a really nice flavor profile!

Cannadips Rippers Delta-8 Natural Mint
Flavor Description:  "It encompasses the mint ying-yang with a balanced mix of sweet and cool mint sensations. The taste is refined, not overpowering, freshness".

Review:  Their mint flavor is pretty nice, a good end of the day type of flavor for me, or after brushing teeth.  The mint is smooth, lightly sweet, gentle, and pretty natural.  I notice a little herbal character in the background, too.  In the flavor, the mint is smooth, gentle, and natural.  I notice a light sweetness to it, along with a little herbal hint to it.  It's a pretty refreshing taste, but not too in your face minty.

Cannadips Rippers Delta-8 Pineapple Express
Flavor Description:  "A cross between Trainwreck and Hawaiin, it's characterized by its pungent citrus notes and its energizing and creative effects".

Review:  Alright, and now the last one, let's check out Pineapple Express!  In the aroma, I notice a slight citrusy tone first.  There's a slight hint of herbs, and almost a little wooden note to it.  In the flavor, it's tropical, but citrusy.  I notice some pineapple hints, along with some citrus.  It's slightly herbal, and has gentle hints of wood to it.  It's a pretty interesting flavor, I remember when I had it in their CBD pouches I found it to be quite nice.

Rating and Final Thoughts

All in all, these were pretty solid.  I was enjoying their 5X CBD pouches lately, but I'll be honest, I like these a little more.  I've been enjoying the flavors, but the effect is quite enjoyable, too!  I liked the Mango one the most, and gave it a 4.54/5.  Next came Pineapple Express at 4.38/5, followed up by Mint at 4.04/5.  If you like CBD products, you may enjoy these because they seem to have more effect to them.  I liked them, it was fun to try them out, and I look forward to buying more!

Buy Cannadips, Save Money
You can get this one from  Don't forget to use code SNUBIE15 to get 15% off your order!

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