47 Oslo (Hvit S2 & Hvit Tørr Mega Sterk S5) - Reviews. 18 May 2021.

About a year ago, a new company called Another Snus Factory came onto the scene and began making...nicotine pouches.  Yes, their first products weren't actually snus.  Now, a little over a year since I first reviewed Loop Jalapeno Lime, they have finally released snus products!  Their snus line is called 47.  47, of course, is the country code for Norway.  As you can see from the gorgeous Pantone 448C cans to your left, this is a product that (as of right now) is released solely in Norway.  The flavor description for this one says, "A traditional snus profile with a modern, fresh touch".  Both cans weigh 16.8g and have 24 portions, for 0,7g portions.  Hvit S2 has a strength of 14m/g (1.4%), or 9.8mg/portion.  Hvit Tørr S5 has a strength of 28mg/g (2.8%), or 19.6mg/portion.

In this review, I'll be reviewing them together because they're pretty much the same other than one being a white portion and one being a white dry.  Oh, and the strength.  One is regular and one is super-mega strong.  So, let's check these snuses out!

Nowadays, with the overabundance and over saturation of nicotine pouches on the market, reviewing snus is quite exciting for me. I usually listen to the "Hallelujah Chorus" from Handel's Messiah when I review snus, because it's truly such a great moment for me, and one worth celebrating.  Now, on to the reviews!  Both of these have a tart citrus aroma, along with sweet floral notes, and a light herbal presence.  The Hvit S2 is a standard slim white portion, whereas the Hvit Tørr S5 is going to be a little more dry.  Both are pretty comfortable in the lip but the Hvit Tœrr S5 is a little dryer.  Both have a similar flavor, however.  It's pretty interesting.  I pick up the herbal notes of this one in the front of the flavor profile, with a light tart citrus flavor behind it.  There are subtle floral hints in the flavor profile, but they stay relatively in the background.  In terms of strength, the S2 one feels a little above regular, and the S5 one feels about the extra strong level.  Both have about the same flavor longevity, lasting about an hour, on average.

Rating and Final Thoughts

Yes, I rated both designs at a 5/5.  I know, there's no can design to them, but I love the minimalistic look of the Norwegian cans.  As far as the products, both received basically the same ratings across the board, but I rated the S2 higher because it's not as strong as the S5.  I don't use a lot of extra strong stuff.  S2 scored an average of 3.67/5, and S5 scored an average of 3.33/5.  Both were pretty solid!  I like the approach Another Snus Factory took when tackling this traditional flavor of Swedish Snus.  I'm definitely looking forward to more snus products from this company, because their first offerings have been pretty impressive!
