Nick and Johnny: Crushed Ice (White Portion) - Old Review. 18 Feb 2013.

NOTE:  This is the old review.  For my updated review (and rating!) check out this link

It's been a while since I've had this one, but I wanted to revisit it.  The main reason was because the portions no longer come in Swedish Match's "star formation", so I wanted to update the photos for this review.  It's the little things.

To do a little history, Nick and Johnny: Crushed Ice originally launched in May of 2011 as an original portion version.  An interesting side note is that in September of 2011 Swedish Match released Below Zero, which was the same product as Nick and Johnny Crushed Ice (Original Portion), but with a different can design.  It was discontinued shortly thereafter.  Crushed Ice became a rather popular flavor, and Swedish Match decided to release a white portion version in 2013.   To this day, it still seems to be one of the more popular mint products on the market.

The product description for this snus says, "Light and spicy tobacco character with clear elements of mint and wintergreen." This product comes in a 22 gram can with 22 portions, for 1 gram portions. The nicotine content is 12mg/g (1.2%), or 12mg/portion. It's interesting to note that the original portion version is 14mg/g, so this one is slightly less strong.

When you open the can, the aroma is a mix of wintergreen and spearmint, with a light hint of peppermint in the background. The portions are soft to the touch and are plump 1 gram portions, so they fill out the lip very well!  Being a mint product, you'll also encounter a nice cooling presence in the lip.  The taste is like the original portion version, but more mild. It's a mild but well balanced flavor of wintergreen, spearmint, and peppermint. I do notice a very light tobacco character in the background, but I don't notice it until about 15 minutes in, and it's not as present as the original portion version. But, this is a white portion, so that is to be expected. The nicotine kick feels to be firmly at the strong level. Being a white portion, the flavor lasts longer than the original portion version; I've found I can enjoy this snus for up to an hour!

If you like mint snus, this is a very unique product and well worth a try!  It's a little different from the original portion version in that the flavor is more mild, and lasts longer.  The nicotine kick feels to be about the same, however.  It's definitely worth a try!
