Kaliber (Original & White Portion) - Reviews. 22 April 2011.

Review Updated: 29 October 2018

It's been 7 years since I wrote this article, and since then, Kaliber has gone through two design changes, so I figured it was time to come back around and update this review. Kaliber Snus is a budget priced alternative from Swedish Match that launched in 2011. It remains popular today and many snusers use it when they want to save a little money. When it launched, this is how Swedish Match described it: "Swedish Match will be launching a modern, attractively priced alternative, Kaliber, to accommodate consumers who want high-quality low-priced snus. Kaliber is a straightforward portion-packaged snus for price-conscious consumers who are unwilling to compromise on quality."

Kaliber Original Portion

The flavor description for this product says, "Light tobacco characteristic with herbs and citrus, and some pomegranate."  This product comes in an 18 gram can with 20 portions for 0.9 gram portions.  The nicotine strength is 8mg/g (0.8%) which breaks down to 7.2mg/portion.

When you open the can, the aroma that you'll notice is a dark tobacco smell. It's a little smoky, as well. There's also a mild berry presence in the background that reminds me of lingonberry. The portions are moist, soft, and quickly release flavor! The taste is a dark, rich tobacco taste with a hint of berry in the background which reminds me of lingonberry. There's a mild smokiness, and a faint hint of citrus as well. I noticed more berry this time around, I didn't really notice it last time. The nicotine strength on this one feels to be about the regular strength level, and the flavor lasts about 30-40 minutes on average!  For some reason, I seemed to enjoy this one more than the last time I tried it.

Kaliber Vit (White) Portion

The flavor description for this product says, "Light tobacco characteristic with herbs and citrus, and some pomegranate."  This product comes in an 16 gram can with 20 portions for 0.8 gram portions.  The nicotine strength is 8mg/g (0.8%) which breaks down to 6.4mg/portion.

This one is much like the other one, but more mild. The aroma is a dark tobacco smell, which is lightly smoky, and accompanied by a little berry presence. I also seem to notice more citrus in the aroma of this one, which I didn't notice in the original portion. The portions are white, soft to the touch, and comfortable in the lip. The taste is a gentle dark tobacco character which is mildly smoky, but milder than the original portion version. There's also a light touch of citrus, and a light berry presence which, again, reminds me of lingonberry. The nicotine strength feels to be at the regular level and the flavor, on average, lasts about an hour!

As far as Kaliber goes, I enjoyed them more this time than the last time I had them.  They're definitely worth checking out if you want to save some money!

This product available for purchase at SnusMe.com

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  1. Tried Kaliber Vit (White) today. Definitely blueberry flavor to me which goes good with regular/traditional snus flavor in these portions. Good flavor duration and nicotine hit/duration.


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