Vårgårda Gryning - Snus Review. 19 July 2024.

Thanks to the folks at Nordic Snus, makers of LD and Vårgårda, we have a new snus to talk about!  In 2024, it's very rare to get new snus products.  So, I have to give massive props to Nordic Snus for still putting out new products!  I saw this one recently on SnusMe, so I had to give it a try.  The flavor for this one is described like this:  "A taste of tobacco, plum and wild berries".  Each can weighs 20 grams and has 20 portions, for 1 gram each.  The nicotine content is 10mg/g, which breaks down to 10mg/portion.  What's interesting about this one, is that I thought it was a brand new flavor, but it seems to be a return of one that I've had before, which we'll talk about when we get into the review!

Oh, first, the Swedish name "Gryning" translates to "dawn" in English.  Opening up the can, the aroma I pick up reminds me of a snus I had about a year ago, also made by Nordic Snus:  LD Signum Ume, which had a flavor of plum wine.  This one seems to be a return of that one!  The aroma is plum wine, which is a slightly sweet, slightly tart, slightly sour aroma.  It almost seems to have a menthol tone to it.  The portions are nice and plump, and soft, and feel great under the upper lip.  It has a little cooling in the lip, perhaps from the menthol tones I pick up.  The flavor is much like the aroma, a sweet/tart/sour flavor of fruit.  Slightly herbal in nature, with subtle hints of menthol.  The flavor lasts a good hour on average, and delivers a nicotine strength that feels comfortably at the regular strength level!

Rating and Final Thoughts

So, I gave this one the same rating as I gave LD Signum Ume, because it seems to be virtually identical to that one.  This one sits right at 3.75/5.  It's not a bad product!  The taste was unique, and interesting.  If you like unique flavors, I think this is one you'll want to check out and try.  Maybe don't buy a whole roll to start, but start with a can or two and give it a go.

This product available at SnusMe.com!

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