XQS Wintergreen (Nicotine Pouches) - Review. 7 August 2023.

I recently saw some new XQS products on SnusMe.com, including a new Elderflower one and this one, a new wintergreen flavor.  There aren't a lot of wintergreen flavored nicotine pouches, so I was definitely curious to check this one out.  I'm not the biggest wintergreen fan, but I do use it from time to time when I get a craving for it.  The flavor description for this one says it has a "taste of wintergreen".  Each can weighs in at 10 grams and has 20 pouches, weighing 0.5g each.  The nicotine content sits at 16mg/g, which breaks down to 8mg/pouch due to the 0.5g pouches.  So, let's crack a can of this stuff and see what it's all about!

In the aroma, this one is a milder wintergreen.  It's a lighter presence than most, and has a bit more sweetness to it than other wintergreen products I've tried before.  The pouches are light in weight (at only 0.5g each), so they do feel kind of light in substance.  They are soft though, have a good moisture amount, and feel good under the lip.  I also get a light cooling presence when I put one in my lip.  The flavor is much like the aroma.  It's a soft wintergreen, with a light sweetness to it.  It's mild, and not as present as other wintergreen products I've had before.  In the nicotine strength, it feels about regular and has a nice, steady delivery to it.  The flavor hangs out a good 45 minutes or so, on average.

Rating and Final Thoughts

This one wasn't too bad.  My main complaint is that the pouches are lighter in weight.  I wish they'd fill them more, at least to 0.7g so the pouches don't feel so light.  But other than that, everything else is good.  I like the wintergreen flavor, it's different from usual.  It's sweeter, so I think people will like their different approach to the flavor.  

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