Loop Habanero Mint (Nicotine Pouches) - Review. 26 April 2021.

It's been about a year since Another Snus Factory released their first nicotine pouches in their Loop line.  Their Jalapeño Lime product is a guilty pleasure of mine, and I don't even use nicotine pouches, I use snus.  And now, they're back with another unique flavor, this one blending habanero pepper and mint.  If you've never had one, a habanero is a hot chili pepper.  On the Scoville scale, with a jalapeño at 5,500, a habanero is at 150,000 (76x hotter than a jalapeño), which is right about the middle of the scale.  They're hot, but not unbearable if you enjoy some spice in your life.  When it comes to this product, the flavor description says, "A hot taste of habanero with a rounded taste of fresh mint."  Each can weighs 12.5g and I counted 20 portions, which would be 0.625g each.  The nicotine content is 20mg/g, or 12.5mg/portion.

So, how is this stuff?  Well, for a mint product, it's not bad.  It seems like there are a billion mint nicotine pouches out there, so it's refreshing (pun intended) when a company takes a different take on that flavor profile.  The aroma is a present smell of peppermint along with a light sweetness.  The pepper comes through with a spicy presence to it.  The pouches are like other Loop pouches - soft, slim, comfortable.  But, these have a warm, burning sensation when you put them under the lip.  Quite nice!  In the flavor, the mint taste is pretty refreshing.  It’s a mildly sweet taste of peppermint, which is balanced out nicely with a fresh pepper taste and some heat!  The nicotine feels to be around the strong level, and the flavor kicks around for about 40-45 minutes on average.

Rating and Final Thoughts

This one ended up at a 3.13 / 5.  That score may sound low, but remember - I don't really use nicotine pouches.  When I look at my scoring system, I've found anything at or above a 3/5 is what I'd consider to be a "good product".  Now, that being said, this is one of the most unique flavors of mint on the market.  And I applaud Another Snus Factory for taking a different path in terms of that flavor profile.  Mint has been done.  It's been overdone.  But products like this really set that flavor profile apart and make it much more enjoyable for folks like me who want something different, and value companies that do things differently.  Kudos, Another Snus Factory!

Loop Nicotine Pouches are available from SnusDirect.com.
