Swave Daiquiri Nicotine Pouches - Review. 15 August 2020.

It seems like every company is getting in on this new nicotine pouch category, and it was only a matter of time before Gotlandssnus got in on it.  They're incredibly popular now, so I knew a day would come where basically every company would have a nicotine pouch product out.  They recently launched their Swave line, which comes in two flavors - Daiquiri (melon flavored) and Tropic Spritz (pineapple flavored). Today, we're going to be reviewing the Daiquiri version!  The flavor description of this one says it has a "clear taste of melon and with a slight hint of pear."  Each can weighs 16g and has 20 portions, for 0.8g portions.  The nicotine content is 14mg/g (1.4%), or 11.2mg/portion.

So, this basically seems to be a nicotine pouch version of Jakobsson’s Melon. In terms of aroma and flavor, it’s virtually identical! The aroma is a present, clear, sweet aroma of melon. The portions are slim, and moderately soft to the touch and under the lip. The flavor is a sweet, present taste of melon. It’s quite tasty. The nicotine on this one feels to be about the strong level, and I find the flavor lasts about 40-45 minutes on average.  In terms of nicotine pouches, this is probably one of the best ones on the market, in my opinion.  It's quite tasty.  Gotlandssnus definitely hit a home run with this one.

Swave Nicotine Pouches are available from SnusMe.com.

Check out our video review:
