Granit Electric Purple (Chew Bags) - Review (Discontinued). 15 September 2020.

NOTE:  This product is discontinued and is no longer produced.

I've reviewed this one a few times, but it's gone through a name change, and I think a strength change, so I'm giving it another review. I first reviewed Granit Licorice Strong White Chew Bags back in 2017, when Fiedler and Lundgren made them. I reviewed it again in 2019 when AG Snus in Denmark began producing these products for Fiedler and Lundgren. Now, it is still made by AG Snus, but called Granit Electric Purple. It also doesn't appear to have the red ring around the label anymore, so I think it's a regular strength one now. I can't find the nicotine strength published anywhere, though. I also can't find a flavor description for them, either. I've only seen them sold on, but my friend Jakob in Denmark got these for me to review. What I do know is that the cans weigh 16.8g and have 24 portions for 0.7g portions. Beyond that, I can't find anymore info on them.  Also, I want to note that these cans have the FlexLid, so I'm assuming Fiedler and Lundgren sends their cans to AG Snus to put the chew bags in.

NOTE:  If you're unfamiliar with what chew bags are, and how they differ from snus, I did a 2 minute video on the subject, you can check that out, here.

When you open the can, the aroma is a mild, lightly sweet smell of black licorice. The portions are moderately soft, and feel pretty plump for only 0.7g each! The flavor is a mild black licorice taste. It’s not super sweet, and comes with a subtle tobacco flavor in the background. There’s a sight saltiness to it, but it isn’t overdone. The nicotine strength isn’t published on this one, but going off of feel I’d place it around regular strength. The flavor, on average, lasts about 50-55 minutes!  If I was in Denmark and couldn't get snus, but could get chew bags - I could easily use this.  It's a tasty product, and it's not super strong like most chew bags on the market.
