Blå Lös (Norway) - Review. 19 June 2019.

Review Updated:  24 February 2022

This will actually be the fourth time I've reviewed this! I first tried Fiedler and Lundgren's Blå Lös back in 2010, when it was briefly available to the US via online sales. It was discontinued, and then relaunched in 2015 exclusively for the Norway market.  I reviewed it again in 2019 in the plain pack design, and I'm revisiting it again in 2022 so I can add a rating to this review.  I've always enjoyed this product; it's a shame that it isn't available online for consumers in the US!  I acquired this can from, a store in Norway.  The flavor description says, "A strong and balanced taste of tobacco".  Each can weighs 42 grams, and has a nicotine content of 8mg/g (0.8%).   

Regarding this can color, it's called "plain pack".  In Norway, snus cans come in this color, also known as Pantone 448 C, or 'opaque couché'. According to a survey, it is "the world's ugliest color". Also, cans in Norway have no graphics on them, they only have the name of the product. I personally like the cans and the color. I find the design simple, and minimalist. So their effort to make snus less attractive did not work on me.

Now, to get this out of the way - it tastes the same as the last few times I've had it. But, if you've never heard of Blå Lös before, I'll still review it anyway. The aroma is an earthy tobacco smell with a little smoky hint and a touch of chocolate. The los itself is pretty easy to work with; I find it's not too fine, but not too course. It handbakes quite well! The tobacco flavor is present, earthy, and robust. There is a hint of chocolate in the background, but it's not as in your face as with Ettan Lös, for example. There's also a very light smokey quality to this, but it doesn't overtake the tobacco flavor. The nicotine strength, with my usual 1-1.5 gram prillas, feels to be right at the regular strength level. I find the snus stays well baked in the lip, and I can usually keep it in for up to about 45 minutes on average!

Rating and Final Thoughts

This is a tremendous snus.  It's a shame it's only available in Norway, because it's one of the best loose products around.  I rated this one at 4.17/5.  It's a good all day snus, much like a Prima Fint or a Grov.  If you're in Norway, grab yourself some.  If you're outside of Norway and want to try it out, contact Fiedler and Lundgren and say, "Hey. sell this outside of Norway!"

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