Offroad Apple White Mini - Review (Discontinued). 21 March 2014.

NOTE:  This product has been discontinued and is no longer for sale.

Apple is not a flavor very well represented in the snus world. It's been 4 years, since October 2010, that I've had an Apple Snus, the last one also being from V2, Offroad Long Cut Apple. Now from V2 comes Offroad Apple White Mini Portion. The description goes as follows, "Mini portion snus with a fresh and fruity apple flavor. Offroad Apple White Mini - delicious and discreet!"
The aroma of this one is a mellow fruity smell. The portions, being mini portions, are smaller than I'm used to, so I had to double up on them to get the full experience. I do this from time to time for snuses that only come in mini portions. The flavor is quite good, a smooth cooling sensation accompanies a fresh, clear taste of apple with an almost nutty hint in the background, very mild tobacco flavor and a wee bit of salt flavor. It's a very good snus, definitely one I could dig in a full size. If you're into minis, or even not into minis, this one has a killer flavor and is worth giving a go on your next order!
