Kronan (Original Portion) Review. 28 August 2011.

Review Updated: 23 November 2020

I've had Kronan Original quite a few times.  I've done text reviews of it in 2011, 2017, and now 2020.  But, recently, I've begun adding a rating to my reviews, so I figured I'd revisit the Kronan brand.  It's one I'm not a fan of, so I was curious how my rating would end up on this one.  Now, speaking about Kronan, the name  means “the crown” in Swedish. It was created in 2005 as a reaction to the taxes being raised on snus. In fact, one of the Swedish Match tobacco masters was once quoted as saying “We can't really do anything about the taxes but we can cut costs as much as possible while still providing a good product." 

The flavor description for Kronan Original says, “Dark tobacco character with elements of violet and citrus, as well as some green herbs.”  As of late 2020, it still weighs in at 21.6 grams but has dropped to 22 portions.  However, that means the portions are now 0.98g each, so that's a plus.  The nicotine content is still 8.5mg/g (0.85%) or 8.33mg/portion.

When you open the can, a clear smell of citrus greets you, along with a hint of dill, light floral notes, and tones of dark tobacco.  The portions are plump, moist, and feel great in the lip.  In the flavor profile, I notice a mild lemon taste, along with a pretty present floral/violet character.  There's a dark and rich tobacco taste in the background, and then yes, a hint of dill.  The nicotine feels about regular strength on this one, and the flavor lasts about 45 minutes, on average.

Rating and Final Thoughts

So, Kronan Original didn't rate too highly for me:  2.83 out of 5.  I've had this snus quite a few times now, and it's one that I just can't get into.  Trust me, I've tried.  Kronan seems to be a love/hate snus though, some people really like it, and then some really don't.  I fall on the side of those who don't like it.

It's one you need to try for yourself though, because you may love it.  It does have a complex flavor profile that some really enjoy.  If you like really herbal/floral types of snus, you may enjoy this one.  

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