A special thanks to a
SnusOn member, "Void", who sent me two Oden's Extreme products with a very limited availability to review. This is one of the two I'll be talking about - the other being Vanilla. As I mentioned in my last review - I was not a fan of
Oden's 69. It was kinda "meh", and a little too dry. But as these flavors only come in White/Dry portions for the time being, I was hoping for the best. These cans have Russian warning labels/information on the bottom. They're the standard hockey puck can GN has been using, and come in a white color. As of right now, I'm about 50/50 on Apple snus. In the past, I tried the V2 Offroad Apple portions which were completely and utterly terribly. They, however, redeemed themselves by releasing
Offroad Long Cut: Apple, which had a MUCH better and vastly improved apple taste. So expectations were mixed about this one.

As I mentioned in my last review, the portions are quite dry, so I had to do a little pre-wetting before I was able to use them, so I could get the maximum taste out of them. I got a picture when I did the Oden's 69 review of the
tobacco inside, it's pretty dry, but with a little moisture added it's usually good to go. The aroma of this can is very interesting - a smoky apple aroma with a nutty presence as well, I can't think of any other way to describe it. The taste is actually pretty decent. I imagine in a white portion this would taste much better - in it's present state it's just kinda average. A smoky apple flavor with almost a natural/herbal like quality in the background and a nutty taste, like walnuts - I can't think of what that is either. It's a very unique snus, that's for sure. I've never tasted anything like it. I hope that GN releases this as an Original Portion, I can imagine that would amp the flavor up a bit and make it much, much better. So decent, average - but with a lot of potential.
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