NOTE: This product has been discontinued and is no longer for sale.
Of all the new snuses I've heard about, General Green Harvest is the one I've been the most excited about. When I previewed it a few weeks ago, I mentioned the product description from Swedish Match went as follows, "General Green Harvest is the world's only snus that is grown by certified tobacco farmers without pesticides or chemical fertilizers." The taste description I read sounded reminiscent of General White Portion which I've always been a fan of, so I was anxiously anticipating this one to see just what it had to offer. I really like the can, slick white with the General logo that's been used lately on the General Long and General Long Sterk cans. I've always been a fan of white cans, it's one of my favorite things about Skruf - the slick white can. Very classy. Anthony said on his blog, "Chicks will think you’re all sensitive and whatnot when you tell them about your all-natural snus."
For more info on Green Harvest, check out - it's a neat little video from Swedish Match about it. A Swedish member on SnusOn translated it as follows, "The Amish people produces it without any machines, electricity or chemicals like they did over 100 years ago. In August they harvest the tobacco and during winter they ship it to Sweden. The tobacco is described as robust, with an fruity, sweet and kind of floral aroma."
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