Christmas Nicotine Pouches (2024) - Review. 6 January 2025.

Yes, I know, it's January, so it's a little late for "Christmas".  But I'm Catholic, so technically "Advent/Christmas" runs through January 12th, so I'm still on time.  I had the Ace Xmas Edition product a week ago, but the Après Julmust took a little while to get to me, because of all the UPS delays everyone has been seeing over the past month.  But, now that they are in house and on hand, we can check them out!  One thing that is interesting is this Julmust one.  Fun story, when I was developing my Artisan Snus line, I had plans to make a Julmust snus.  Julmust is Swedish beverage going all the way back to 1910.  Roberts AB in Sweden closely guards the recipe, but was going to allow me some of the concentrate for flavoring my snus.  It didn't end up happening, unfortunately, but I'm glad someone did finally make a Julmust flavored pouch.  Granted, it's in a nicotine pouch, but the snus industry is on a downward spiral right now it seems.

So, let's check out these two products!

Après Julmust Nicotine Pouches

Flavor Description:  "A sweet taste of hop and malt".
Can Content:  11g, 20 pouches, 0.55g each
Nicotine Content:  8mg/g, or 4.4mg/pouch

Review:  Opening the can, this one has a beautiful aroma.  If you've never had Julmust before, it's kind of a spiced, malted soda.  This one has a cola aroma, along with a malty tone, and mild some notes of fruit and cinnamon.  The pouches are slim, moderately moist, and soft under the lip.  They are lighter in weight, but not too light.  In the flavor, this one is quite tasty.  It has a nice cola presence to it, along with subtle notes of cinnamon.  There's a slight underlying fruit tone, along with a malty/hoppy type of flavor.  It's good stuff.  Nicotine-wise, this is a lighter one, feeling to be below the regular strength level.  The flavor lasts a solid 35-40 minutes, on average.

Ace Xmas Edition Nicotine Pouches

Flavor Description:  "A flavor of the traditional Swedish Christmas candy Juleskum, with notes of strawberry and vanilla".
Can Content:  10g, 20 pouches, 0.5g each
Nicotine Content:  16mg/g, or 8mg/pouch

Review:  If you're in a non-Nordic country, you're probably wondering how strawberry/vanilla are related to Christmas.  It's a flavor common with Juleskum, a Swedish candy.  The last time I had it, it was pretty good.  It was a little gummy type of confection.  This one definitely taps into that experience.  In the aroma, I pick up a pretty even pairing of strawberry and vanilla.  It isn't too overpowering, nor is it too overly sweet.  The pouches are slim, and pretty light in weight.  They're moderately moist, and soft under the lip.  Flavorwise, it does have the flavor of Juleskum.  It has a nice mix of vanilla and lightly sweet strawberry.  It's pretty well balanced, and tasty.  The nicotine strength is at the regular level, and has a pretty steady delivery to it.  The flavor lasts about 35-40 minutes, on average.

Rating and Final Thoughts

These were two pretty tasty products.  For the Christmas experience, I think the Julmust one hit it better.  But I'm an American.  Juleskum isn't a big part of my holidays.  However, that one was good, too.  I gave the Julmust one a 3.5/5, and the Ace Xmas Edition 3.42/5.  On their own, both are pretty tasty, so you really can't go wrong either way.  

Availability:  Après is available on  The Ace line is also sold there, however the Xmas Edition is not currently sold on any stores shipping to the US.

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