XPCT Cola & Ginger Nicotine Pouches (Tube) - Review. 12 March 2024.

I've been seeing these XPCT "big cans" and "tubes" online a lot lately, and I've been quite curious to check them out!  I was browsing around on SnusMe.com the other day and saw that they sold them all, so I order a big box of all of these to try out. These products are pretty interesting, because they save you money by buying in bulk.  But also, you aren't wasting a lot of cans since they include one for you to refill.  That, in turn, is a good thing for the Earth!  So, if you've been curious about these XPCT products, let's check them out!  Manufacturer wise, these are made by a company in Sweden called LIW Innovation.

Here, you'll see the tube.  It has a little twist-off compartment on the top to reveal the pouches.  There is a bonus can in the top compartment that you can fill and re-use, as well.  The flavor description for this one says, "A sweet cola flavor that is complemented by a touch of spicy ginger".  Each tube weighs 80 grams and has 160 pouches, weighing 0.5 grams each.  The nicotine content sits at 16mg/g, which breaks down to 8mg/pouch.

These pouches are decently moist when they arrive, so I don't add any moisture to them.  But they did have some guidance on moisture you can add to them if you want to make them more moist, so I made a quick spreadsheet on how you can do that.  Basically, you mist it on, and put it in cold storage for 24 hours.

So, let's fill up one of these little cans and check this stuff out!  I like cola flavors, so I was looking forward to reviewing this one.  And ginger is a pretty intriguing taste.  In the aroma, it's a present, spicy cola aroma.  The cola is lightly sweet, and is backed up with a hint of ginger.  The pouch is slim, and pretty soft.  It's semi-moist, as well.  It does feel a little light, but it's not "small" or anything.  In the flavor, I pick up a present taste of cola up front.  It's lightly sweet, and has a hint of spicy ginger to it.  The nicotine strength feels about regular, and has a nice delivery to it.  The flavor hangs out about 35-40 minutes, on average.  All in all, a pretty tasty pouch.  And a unique flavor profile, that's for sure!

Rating and Final Thoughts

This one was pretty nice!  I rated it at 3.33/5.  I liked the unique take on the cola flavor profile, and felt like the ginger backed it up pretty well.  Savings-wise, let's check out the cost breakdown.  The tube cost $26.90, which is about $0.16 per pouch.  This equates to a 20 portion can costing $3.36 per can.  This is about average with what most products cost, so you don't save a ton with this one.  It's not an expensive one, but pretty average in cost.  

This product available at SnusMe.com!

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