Vårgårda Bär Stark (White Portion) Snus - Review. 1 January 2024.

The "red" or "berry" flavor of snus has really been growing a lot the past few years.  From One Red and Lundgren’s Skärgården in May 2021, to Knox Red in Fall 2021, to Vårgårda Bär in March 2023, to this one.  It seems as though the original Vårgårda Bär was popular, as now we have a stark (strong) version to check out!  I recently did an order over on SnusMe and grabbed some of this to check out.  The flavor description for this one says, "a taste of red ripe forest berries and a hint of elder".  Each can weighs 20 grams and has 20 portions, for 1 gram each.  It's nice, you don't see that very often anymore.  The nicotine content is 14mg/g, and with 1 gram portions that's 14mg/portion!

Opening the can is a subtle dark red berry smell.  It's almost like a subdued, less sweet raspberry.  There is a mild base tobacco that comes through on the backend, and compliments the berry presence well.  The pouches are pretty nice, moist but not super moist.  They're pretty soft and plump and feel really nice in the lip.   The flavor on this one is quite good.  It almost reminds me of the old Röda Lacket White Portion that was sadly discontinued years back.  The berry taste is mild, gentle, and not overly sweet.  It's a subdued red berry flavor that pairs nicely with the earthy tobacco base I pick up.  It's a very well rounded flavor.  It's not too strong, but you do notice it to be a little stronger than the regular strength snus. The flavor lasts quite a while, which is nice, hanging out for up to about an hour on average!

Rating and Final Thoughts

I really enjoyed this one.  It's nice to encounter flavors that are fruity, but not overly sweet.  I gave it a 3.54/5.  I like the regular strength one more, but mainly that's because I use mostly regular strength snus.  This is a good one you could throw in to mix up your rotation, if you want something different from time to time.  I found myself enjoying it more and more and now I'm wanting to get more.  I think I may go do an order and grab some more!

This product available at SnusMe.com!

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