Ozona President (Nasal Snuff) - Review. 10 December 2021.

I've been trying to get Snubie.com back on track lately and focused more on tobacco-centric products and less on nicotine pouches.  That's meant expanding to cover other tobacco products.  I've recently begun adding nasal snuff reviews here.  I've enjoyed nasal snuff for many years, but I haven't really branched out on products I try.  I've mainly used mostly Toque products, so it's been fun reviewing them because it's like when I first started using snus - lots of new products to try out!  Today, we're talking about Ozona President Snuff!  This is a product by Pöschl Tabak.  This Germany manufacturer is the world's largest producer of nasal snuff, and the company dates back to 1902.  They're family run, and in their fourth generation.  The product description for this particular snuff says "a tobacco presence with notes of peppery mint, eucalyptus, and menthol".  The tin weighs 7 grams.

You'll notice the tobacco is about a medium grind, and seems to have a medium moisture amount to it.  The aroma from the tin I detect is menthol right off the bat, along with some mint, and a mild, semi-sweet base tobacco.  I find the snuff to be pretty easy to take, and it doesn't give too much of a burn, nor does it yield a heavy drip on the inhale.  In the nose, the menthol is certainly the most present character.  I pick up some peppermint mingling in from the background, and long with a semi-dark tobacco base and a subtle sweetness.  The nicotine is lower to moderate, and packs a decent little kick to it.  In terms of longevity, the semi-sweet tobacco base lingers for a short time, but after that it's mostly the mentholated freshness that sticks around.

Rating and Final Thoughts

When it comes to snuff, I'm not the biggest user of the mentholated category.  I know that category has a pretty big user base, but it's not my usual cup of tea.  I rated this one at 3.25/5.  I enjoyed it a little more than the usual mentholated snuff because I enjoyed the dark, semi-sweet tobacco base on this one.  It was quite pleasant, and enjoyable.

I grabbed this one from MrSnuff.com.  Don't forget, if you use code SNUBIE there, you'll get a nice discount on your order.

Check out our video review:

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