24K Emerald (White Dry) - Review. 17 October 2021.

Today we're talking about a product by the folks at AM Swedish in the 24K Snus line:  24K Emerald!  I've reviewed some of their other products before, but I recently saw this one on SnusCENTRAL.com so I had to plug in an order and grab some to review.  I won't lie, it's exciting to see new snus products come out.  In a world of nicotine pouches, it's great when companies still make actual, real snus.  The flavor description says, "As you can guess, the overriding flavor is Wintergreen".  No, really, that's what it says.  Each can weighs 13 grams and has 20 portions, for 0.65g each.  The nicotine content is listed as 12.5mg/portion, which translates to 19.23mg/g of total nicotine. 

To preface, I'm not the world's biggest wintergreen fan.  Just know that going into this review.  When you open the can, a mild, lightly sweet aroma of wintergreen comes through.  There's also a light, earthy base tobacco in the background.  The portions are soft, and are lighter in weight.  They don't plump up too much when you fluff them.  They also have a light cooling sensation in the lip when you put one in.  The flavor is pretty light in presence.  I notice a smooth taste of wintergreen with a light sweetness.  It also has a faint tobacco base to it, as well.  The nicotine kick is pretty solid, and feels to be between the strong and extra strong level.  The flavor, on average, kicks around for about an hour.

Rating and Final Thoughts

I rated this one at 3.08/5.  Again, I'm not the biggest wintergreen fan, but this one wasn't too bad.  I did like that the wintergreen flavor wasn't super in your face and overbearing.  However, I think people who like wintergreen may dig this one.  There aren't a lot of white portion products out there with a flavor of wintergreen to them, so this one is definitely going to stand out.

Check out our video review:
