Skruf Solbær (Solbär) Snus - Review. 10 September 2020.

Back in 2012, Swedish Match released a product called Catch Blackcurrant Long, which was a snus I instantly fell in love with. But, like everything else I like, they discontinued it. Fast forward 6 years later to September of 2018, and Skruf released a nicotine pouch with the blackcurrant flavor: Skruf Superwhite Cassice. Fast forward to February of 2020, and they released Skruf Superwhite Solbær, a stark version of Cassice.  I'm not a user of nicotine pouches, so those never made it into my full time rotation, but I do enjoy them from time to time, simply to enjoy the beautiful taste of blackcurrant.

Well, Skruf has answered my prayers and there is finally a blackcurrant snus on the market: Skruf Solbær #3 Stark Slim White.  Spoiler alert: I love it.  It takes what I liked about the nicotine pouch version, but adds it to an actual snus product.  And trust me, as a snus lover, the tobacco really rounds out the flavor.  

The flavor description says it has "a clear sweet and sour taste of black currants with a classic tobacco taste in the background".  Each can weighs 16.6g and has 24 portions, for 0.69g portions.  The nicotine content is at the #3 Stark level, which puts it around 12mg/g (1.2%) or 8.28mg/portion.
When you open the can, right off the bat, a natural, lightly sour, slightly sweet aroma of blackcurrant greets you.  If you've never had blackcurrant, it has a tart, dark berry type of flavor, kind of like a darker, more tart grape.  Wine drinkers, if you like Cabernet Sauvignon, most of them taste like blackcurrant.  The portions are slim, and pretty soft to the touch.  I notice the tobacco inside is a little firm, so some fluffing is required.  Like the nicotine pouch version, this one has a cooling presence in the lip, and in the flavor, but it's not minty.  I could do without it, but it doesn't detract from the flavor profile.  The taste of this one is, of course, blackcurrant!  It's a dark, tart, semi-sweet berry flavor.  But the best part of this is this:  there is a mild tobacco taste in the background.  That tobacco flavor really compliments the blackcurrant and makes this a much more full flavor than the nicotine pouch version.  The nicotine strength doesn't feel too strong, probably just a hair stronger than regular strength.  The flavor, on average, lasts about an hour.

Packaging - 4/5 - A great, sleek looking can.
Aroma - 4/5 - Beautiful, present aroma of blackcurrant.
Portion/Mouthfeel - 3/5 - A little dry, and compacted tobacco, fluffing needed.
Flavor - 4/5 - Absolutely perfect, the tobacco and blackcurrant pair very well.  Could do without the menthol character though.
Nicotine - 5/5 - A little stronger than regular, with a steady delivery.
Flavor Longevity - 5/5 - Lasts up to about an hour on average.
Average - 4.17/5 - A solid snus with a unique flavor!

Final Thoughts
This is a great snus, and one that will end up in my permanent rotation.  It is one I will always keep here.  I highly suggest you all try it.  Mainly because I don't want it to be discontinued.  But also because it's pretty tasty.

NOTE:  Skruf Snus is available at
