Snubie Cherry/Vanilla Cola (Single Cut) - Review. 24 June 2020.

The big day is here - and I couldn't be more excited. Today, I'll be reviewing my latest collaboration with, a snus to celebrate 2020 being the 11 year anniversary of Snubie Cherry/Vanilla Cola (Single Cut)!  I've made quite a few collaborations with, including Snubie Blood Orange and Goji Berry Lös, Snubie Mr. Bacon Lös/Snubie Cheese and Bacon Loose, and Snubie Cherokee Rose Lös.  Most recently, I did a collaboration with my buddy Christopher Nash of Snusology, and  The Snusology Mix Lös!  This one is special because it's a flavor I've wanted to make for a long time:  cherry/vanilla cola.  Not only that, but it's a single cut snus!

Single Cut snus is not a ground loose snus, so it's going to look different from regular loose snus. To Americans, it's most similar to long cut dip. However, this product is pasteurized! So it's as safe as regular snus, but with a cut that ex-dippers will enjoy! The flavor description for this one says, “A delicious flavor of cola accompanied by light notes of vanilla and cherry. Real Ukranian Cherries known “as Melitopol Black" are used in this snus, to give it a little extra taste!” Each can weighs 50 grams, just like the good old days. And the nicotine content is 14mg/g-18mg/g, putting it in the strong range.  I wanted the focus to be more on the flavor with this one and not so much the strength.

When you open the can, a smooth, lightly sweet cola aroma greets you. In the background are hints of cherry, and a very light vanilla presence. The tobacco is nice and moist, and quite soft. Getting this into the lip you can go one of two ways. First, you can do a traditional pinch like with American dip/moist snuff. However, I'm not an ex-dipper, so I actually was able to bake a prilla pretty easily. My wife's cousin Matt made fun of me for it.  The flavor of this one is quite tasty, and comes on pretty quickly.  The cola flavor is quite present, natural, and not super sweet.  The cherry taste comes in in the back as a nice compliment to the cola flavor.  The vanilla taste is very light, and doesn't overpower the cherry or the cola.  It serves as a smooth afterthought to the flavor profile.  The nicotine strength feels to be around the strong level, and the flavor lasts quite a while.  I've been able to keep a prilla in for up to an hour!

I really enjoyed this collaboration, and I think this snus turned out great!  If you're interested in trying it, you can get it by emailing  It's not up for sale yet, but has told me they're also working on getting some to sell. 

 Check out our video review:
