Epok No2 Arctic Blue S2 - Review. 3 January 2020.

Today, I'll be reviewing a product out of Norway: Epok No2 Arctic Blue S2. Say that name out loud, it's actually pretty fun.  Epok may not exist in many places, but it still exists as a snus in Norway, and as chew bags in Denmark.  This is one that I reviewed years ago when it was sold online to the US as Epok Mint.  It also exists as Epok Mint (Chew Bags), and in a nicotine pouch version - Lyft Mint.  The flavor description for this one says, "Epok No2 Arctic Blue S2 has a refreshing mint flavor.” This product comes in a 16.8 gram can with 24 portions for 0.7 gram portions. The nicotine content is 8.5mg/g (0.85%) for 5.95mg/portion.

In Norway, snus cans come in this color, also known as Pantone 448 C, or 'opaque couché'. According to a survey, it is "the world's ugliest color". Also, cans in Norway have no graphics on them, they only have the name of the product.  I personally like the cans and the color. I find the design simple, and minimalist. So their effort to make snus less attractive did not work on me.

As usual, I had to cut open portions to look at what's inside an Epok portion. Now, if you're new to Epok, you may be asking yourself what "white tobacco" is. This is how Winnington describes it: "White tobacco is produced in a patented, environmentally friendly process that gently cleanses and refines brown tobacco. In this process, unwanted substances are minimized, such as heavy metals and nitrosamines. The feeling under the lip, nicotine strength and flavor experience is the same as in a regular snus pouch - but without the snus running or coloring your teeth. White tobacco contains white tobacco, nicotine, water, stabilizer and flavoring agents. White tobacco is produced in a water-based process, ensuring the tobacco is clean of all unwanted substances. White tobacco contains no natural sugar. Instead, xylitol is used as a sweetener."

When you open the can, there is a fresh, lightly sweet, smooth smell of spearmint accompanied by a hint of peppermint. The portions are slim, soft, and comfortable in the lip. When you put one in there's a mild burn in the lip, then a light cooling sensation. The flavor of spearmint is the most present, and it comes through in a gentle, lightly sweet way. I do pick up a light hint of peppermint in the background. It's a pretty refreshing flavor. The nicotine level feels to be about the regular strength level, and the flavor lasts around 45-55 minutes on average.  If you like white tobacco products, this would be one to check out.

Check out our video review:


  1. Enjoying Arctic Blue right now. It's fine. THX for Your review.


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