Lundgren’s Kebnekaise Winter Edition 2018 - Review. 9 January 2019.

I'm a little late with this review, as this stuff has been sold out for weeks now, but I still wanted to do a review of it. Today, we're talking about Lundgren's Kebnekaise (Winter Edition 2018). This is a limited edition release of which only 2,097 boxes were produced. Kebnekaise is a mountain in Sweden that is 2,097 meters high, hence why Fiedler and Lundgren only produced 2097 boxes of this stuff.  What's really cool about this release is that it comes in a box with a model of the mountain inside of it.  I've never seen a limited edition Snus release that had a packaging that looked this cool; it's very unique and I love what they did with it.

When you remove the top glass, you'll find the snus can is underneath the model of the mountain in its own little stand.  Also, there is a small little booklet that comes inside the packaging that tells you a little bit about the release itself.  The snus can is an orange, metal can with a plastic interior liner.  There isn't a catch lid with this release, however.  All of this is put together really well and the limited edition Lundgren's Winter 2018 has a great presentation to it; this release truly looks like nothing else I've ever seen on the market.

When it comes to this snus, here's the full product details: "Lundgren's Kebnekaise has sweet elements of cloudberry and sour tones of juniper berries and pine. The taste of the perforated portions is inspired by the changing landscape up in the north. From blossoming sweet cloudberries, sour juniper berries in the summer to hints of pine from the harsh and cold winter. Delivered in exclusive and stylish packaging. For Lundgren's Kebnekaise Winter Edition 2018, Lundgrens has chosen to pay tribute to Kebnekaise - Sweden's highest mountain. Kebnekaise is 2097 meters high and there are also so many boxes made from this exclusive edition." This snus comes in a 21.6 gram can with 24 perforated white portions weighing 0.9 grams each. The nicotine content is 9mg/g (0.9%) or 8.1mg/portion.

When you open the can, you’ll notice the aroma is slightly sour and a little tart. The juniper and pine smell are readily apparent. The cloudberry in the background contributes a mild, lightly sweet, mildly tart smell. The portions are the perforated white type, which means a quicker release of flavor than your standard white portion. The flavor is a sour/tart mix with a touch of sweetness. The flavor of mild tobacco, tones of juniper, and a touch of pine are the most apparent components of the flavor at first. The cloudberry serves as a complimentary flavor to the other flavors and contributes a lightly sweet addition to the taste of this snus. The flavor, on average, lasts up to an hour and the nicotine strength feels to be about the regular strength level.

I enjoyed this snus and will definitely be finishing off this can.  I bought it mainly for the packaging, but I also enjoyed the flavor of the snus itself.  A great release from Fiedler and Lundgren!

Check out our video review:


  1. Just wanna say, your content is amazing. You truly know all about snus!


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