Skruf Los (Ecological) - Review (Discontinued). 28 October 2015.

NOTE:  This product has been discontinued and is no longer for sale.

Earlier this year, Skruf launched a new product line of snus products containing 100% ecological tobacco. These products are similar in name to many products launched by Skruf already, but made with 100% ecological tobacco. They recently launched two new products that I'm particularly excited about - Skruf Original Portion (Ecological) and Skruf Original Los (Ecological). I'm excited about these because they come in regular strength, which is the majority of my snus usage. I do mostly los at home, so I was very excited to see a regular strength ecological snus released in loose format. The can design on these ecological products is really nice, it's a simple but classy look. I really like the way these cans look.

Skruf Los (Ecological) has a more coarse grind and is really easy to handbake. I don't suggest using a tool with this one unless you absolutely are opposed to handbaking. The aroma is an earthy tobacco smell with a little bit of pepper, a little smokiness, and a slight hint of bergamot. I don't notice any sweetness or rose oil in the smell, which is something Skruf has been known for with their snus products. The los is moist, and stays together very well in the lip with little to no breakage or mudslide. The taste is absolutely delicious. The tobacco flavor is front and center and is the most predominant flavor of this snus. It comes through as a well rounded, natural, earthy tobacco flavor. I notice a little bit of pepper and a very slight hint of bergamot. I don't detect any sweetness or floral notes, however, which I usually get from most Skruf products. That isn't a bad thing, however, because this snus is very tasty without it. It's definitely interesting. With most products containing bergamot, the citrus flavor is more predominant. But in this one, the tobacco flavor is front and center with the citrus and pepper taste in the background and complimenting the tobacco taste. It's a very tasty snus, that's for sure! This is one I'd definitely suggest trying out.

Check out my video review:


  1. Thanks, Chad! How does this one compare to the new-ish organic Skruf stark los that you reviewed a little while ago? Does one have more of a bergamot or pepper element than the other?

    Also, have you heard whether any of the sites shipping to the US will carry the original los?

    1. Sean - It tastes a lot like the Skruf Stark Los (Ecological) in terms of the milder bergamot flavor with mild pepper.

      I haven't seen it for sale on any of the shops yet, but I'm sure SnusCENTRAL/BuySnus will pick it up soon.

  2. Chad, ditto Sean... based on your review I'm judging that this snus has less bergamot profile than General portion reg. strength?

    1. Anonymous - Correct, I'm noticing less bergamot in this than I would in a General snus, for example.

  3. Thank you Chad. Awesome reviews, as always.


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