Onyx Silver (Svart Portion) - Review (Discontinued). 4 September 2015.

NOTE:  This product has been discontinued and is no longer for sale.

Since launching in 2006, Onyx has been the top of the line snus in the General family. From it's elegant can design to it's sleek black portions, the Onyx Onyx truly stands on its own.  The line has expanded to now include Onyx Gold and Onyx Titan.  This one, the original Onyx, is now called Onyx Silver.  For me, it's not something I use full time, but I do like to treat myself with a few cans here and there. The flavor description for this snus says, "General Onyx is the flagship of the General Snus family and the only super- premium production snus available.  ONYX is a portion snus with pure tobacco flavor and elements of Roasted Lemon, Black pepper and salt." This snus comes in a 21.6 gram can with 24 portions, for 0.9 gram portions. Onyx is classified as a strong snus, and has a nicotine content of 12mg/g (1.2%), which breaks down to 10.8mg/portion.

When you open the can, the first thing you'll notice is the black portions. These aren't a different type of portion, they're still technically white portions, just a different color. In the lip they still feel much like a regular white portion, but a little more smooth/sleek. The aroma is a mild smell of lemon, a gentle tobacco character, and a touch of pepper. The taste is very General-esque, but slightly different. Instead of bergamot, lemon is the predominant citrus in this snus.  It's pretty present, and adds a nice tart dimension to the flavor. I also notice more tobacco character in this one than I do in General White, for example. It seems to be a little more peppery than regular General, as well. It's a really nice taste. It's almost like a grilled lemon with some pepper on it, if I had to compare it to anything. The flavor also lasts a good amount of time; on average I can keep a portion in for about an hour. The nicotine strength feels a hair stronger than regular strength, but not too much. It's not going to knock you out or anything.

Rating and Final Thoughts

I gave this one a 3.83/5.  That may sound low, but this is still a phenomenal snus.  For me, it's an occasional snus, though.  It's one I use on special occasions.  Actually, this was the snus I used on my wedding day.  However, when it comes to Onyx I find if I use it too much, I can burn out on it.  It tastes great though.  If you've never had it and you're a General fan, it's definitely one you need to try.  

Check out our video review:
