Offroad Eucalyptus White - Review (Discontinued). 5 November 2014.

NOTE:  This product has been discontinued and is no longer for sale.

I've been catching up on my reviews lately, and today I finished the last V2 products that I haven't reviewed yet. Another manufacturer marked off the list! In the past I reviewed Offroad Eucalyptus White Mini but for some reason never reviewed the regular sized white portion. I could have sworn that I did, but after 5 years of writing about snus some of them slip through the cracks. The product description for Offroad Eucalyptus White Portion says, "Offroad Eucalyptus - made by V2 Tobacco. A regular-strength white portion snus with a fresh eucalyptus flavor. Offroad is an economically priced brand of good quality."  I don't use eucalyptus snus regularly.  The only time I really use it is when I have a cold.  But I know there are a lot of folks out there who enjoy this flavor, so I wanted to write about it.

When you open a can of Offroad Eucalyptus White Portion, the smell that comes through is, of course, eucalyptus. If you've never smelled eucalyptus in person, it smells just like a eucalyptus cough drop.  The taste is very much the same - a natural flavor of eucalyptus with a small presence of menthol and a little cooling sensation that comes along with it.

As I mentioned earlier, this isn't something I use regularly, but when I have a cold I don't want to use regular snus.  I always reach for a eucalyptus flavored snus.  For me, this is something I would buy again when I feel under the weather and need a snus to go with that.  For people who enjoy the eucalyptus flavor, the taste of this one is great and I'd definitely suggest trying it if you're into that kind of thing.
