Catch Licorice - Dry White Mini - Review. 10 November 2014.

I've been finishing up our reviews section lately and reviewing the last few products that I haven't wrote about, and I realize how many mini snuses I've yet to review.  I don't do a lot of mini snus myself, but I realize a lot of people out there do, so I figured I should try to catch up my review section.  Today I'm going to be talking about Catch Dry Licorice Mini White!

When it comes to the White Mini, the product description says, "A taste of licorice and tobacco.”  When you open a can, the aroma that comes through is a mild and slightly sweet licorice smell.  These portions are a little bit dryer than the standard white portion, so the flavor comes on a little bit more slowly.  The taste is a lot like the original mini portion, but much more subdued and mild.  The flavor of tobacco isn't as noticeable, and the flavor of licorice is more mellow.  This one is a much more mild version of the Catch Licorice Original Mini, but still has the same attributes of it, just in more subdued forms.  The licorice flavor is the predominant taste, but is a light and airy flavor, and the tobacco taste comes through very slightly, almost undetectable.  I definitely liked the larger White Portion and the Original Mini portion much more - so I'd suggest trying those over this one.

Want to try this one out?  You can buy it from!
