Oden's Extreme Wintergreen (Original Portion) - Review. 27 January 2014.

Review Updated:  26 January 2021

One of our donors asked me to do a "Wintergreen Week" and review/revisit a bunch of wintergreen products.  Yes, as someone who isn't the biggest fan of wintergreen products, that was a bit of a challenge.  Today, I'm going to be reviewing an extra strong wintergreen product by GN Tobacco in the Odens brand:  Oden's Extreme Wintergreen Original Portion (sometimes referred to as "Oden's Pure Wintergreen").  The flavor description from SnusMe.com says, "A super strong portion with a taste of wintergreen".  Each can weighs 20g and has 20 plump portions at 1 gram each.  The nicotine content is 22mg/g (2.2%), which with one gram portion is easily 22mg/portion.

Alright, here we go.  Let's do a review of Oden's Wintergreen Extreme Original Portion.  When you open the can, a powerful, present aroma of wintergreen greets you.  It seems to have a mild, minty tone, along with a light sweetness.  I also pick up a hint of tobacco in the aroma.  The 1 gram portions are nice and plump, moist, and comfortable under the lip with a quick release of flavor.  The flavor is a pretty evenly balanced taste of tobacco and wintergreen.  The wintergreen is mildly present and lightly sweet, paired well with an earthy tobacco base.  The nicotine kick feels firmly at the extra strong level - which is a hallmark of the "Extreme" brand, and the flavor lasts about 45 minutes, on average!

Rating and Final Thoughts

There are things I like about this, like the can design.  Also, the aroma and flavor isn't as obtrusive, being a good mix of tobacco and wintergreen.  The strength is a little too strong for me to use full time though.  This one came in at 3.33 out of 5 for me, which is a pretty high rating for someone who isn't a fan of wintergreen.  If you like wintergreen though, you'll probably enjoy this one, as it has a pretty decent flavor to it.

This product available at SnusMe.com!

Check out our video review:


  1. I love my snus but I couldn't really taste anything with this one even after 50 minutes and I even put it on my tongue and sacked it to try get some flavour. I was very disappointed. What's the secret, how could you taste so much flavour in it?


    1. I received some of the first cans GN Tobacco produced of this snus back in January, perhaps they tweaked the recipe a little bit after some of the reviews came in? I'll pick up some more cans and try it again and see if it's changed any. Thanks!

    2. Haha no you don't have to do that mate I know you're not a wintergreen fan I don't want to put you through that again. But to be honest I don't really taste much in almost every snus I try except for jakobsons varieties and mint and wintergreen general. I love the snus burn mainly. I read lots of reviews and people say they can taste these flavours but when I try I get almost nothing. I don't know why?

    3. That is really disheartening to hear. I'm coming from mainly using General Wintergreen's to Oden's. I have a shipment heading to me atm. I really hope that it's got alot of flavor. I love that mint kick. Drives home the buzz.


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