There have been many people asking, "Where is Pioneer Snuff?" for several months now after it's vanishing act from the
Northerner.com webstore, the only shop that was carrying it for export to the US. I spoke with them earlier today, and an update on Pioneer doesn't show good news for those in the US. Apparently, the FDA has been giving them hell. Asking for random updates on this and that, tests conforming to random new regulations they add, and really draining the money out of Pioneer. These tests and requirements from the FDA are essentially costing Pioneer more than the US market is giving them in sales. That being said, Pioneer has made the decision to no longer export to the US. Pioneer did make efforts to continue sales into the US, possibly partnering with other companies, but even those companies expressed to them the difficulty of working with the US market due to the FDA. No doors are closed on this for sure, but as of right now they don't know when/if they will be continuing sales into the US market. They will essentially be focusing on Thailand and Laos, where they have a good demand and it isn't too costly to sell their product. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I wanted to give all the loyal fans and update on what's going on with Pioneer - and deliver a special thank you from them to all the loyal supporters in the US. It's sad that the FDA is doing their best to keep small companies from being able to compete on the US market. But alas, it's the nature of the beast.
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