Goteborgsfabriken Snus, celebrating 30 years at the Goteborg Factory! 26 September 2012.

To celebrate 30 years at the Goteborg factory, Swedish Match did a very, very special and VERY limited run of a snus called "Goteborgsfabriken", or "Goteborg's Factory". Sadly, these snuses are not for sale and were for employees/factory workers, but some of us who recently attended the DC snus summit were lucky enough to get a can of each for our personal collection. I did want to show some pictures and talk about them because I think they're really cool, and it's sad that they aren't for sale because the taste is actually pretty good! They made Chicoute´, or as it's often known, "cloudberry", which came as a white mini. Chicoute´ is a fruit with a rather tart taste, similar to how juniper tastes in my opinion, but more fruity. A very pleasant taste!

They also made "Choko Fino", which to my understanding is a type of chocolate, it has a very rich chocolate taste with hints of vanilla, and came in an original portion. The other release was "Midnight Oil" which came in loose, not to be confused with the Australian Rock Band who did the "Beds Are Burning" song. You owe it to yourself to listen to that link/song. It's awesome. Don't judge me. As far as the snus, it's hard to pinpoint what the taste is. It's a dark and earthy tobacco aroma with a very herbal quality to it. It's really good and unique tasting.
It was interesting to note that one of the snuses, the Chicoute, had a catch lid on the bottom. And it was also hinged. Not sure if SM is looking into going with these, but I do like the hinge, it's one thing I always liked about LD/GN cans. You're probably asking why I'm telling you about snus that no one in the world can get. In conversations I had with a new member of the SMAB team it came up that there are people VERY interested in experimenting with new flavors/releases/designs - and I know lots of people who like SM but wish they'd get more risky and try more things, release new products, and get creative. So it was interesting to note that people are talking about it and potentially someday we may see that come down the pipeline! Fingers crossed for a Choko Fino release, because it is AWESOME.
