A friend from Norway, Stian Nesselquist, sent me an email today about a new Skruf he found. Here's his review.
"So I found this snus in my local store yesterday and I bought is because I'd never seen it before.
Some facts:
Made in Sweden.
Long portion.
Much smaller can. Allmost a minican.
Normal sized long portoins.
12 portions in one can.
Stark portion snus.
Smell: It smells like NO other Skruf I'v ever smelled. Much more licorice to this snus and i can't smell that typical Skruf smell. Smells very earthy with a hint of licorice.
Taste: The taste is soooo smooth, very earthy, very sweet and the nicotine doesn't hit that hard. I don't taste that roiseoil that much and it seems that it is a touch of licorice in there.
How it is under my lip: The portion is very smooth and fits perfectly in the pocket! The portion does drip, though. Not much but a little bit.
For the Skruf fans out there this is an AMAZING new Skruf! I think that because it's a stark portion and not a ekstra stark portion the flavour comes out more. I really liked it and if I see this in Sweden next time I'm there I will pick up a roll of it without a doubt!"

An update from our friends at Gringo,
"Northerner just got the new and improved Gringo. It's a new tobacco blend with higher quality. Practically "mudslide-free". The people that so far have tried it all say it's a huge improvement. All new cans have "NG" before the batch-no." If you haven't tried Gringo, I did a
review back in December, so check it out - it's good stuff!
A new website is out,
DosTrick.se. A translation tells us a little about the new site, "
Dostrick is a relatively new recreational activity. Origin The arena is unclear, it may be a locker room, as well as it can be a sofa. Clearly, however, that that thought it had nimble fingers. There are no official competitions or union yet. But it is high time to hone the shape and stretch your fingers if you want to get started dostrick and have a chance to win your own signature box.
Are you a beginner? Go to the Trick School to learn the basics with our coach Marcus Örwén. Good luck!"
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