Skruf has really been getting into the slim portion market lately. As have most manufacturers. It's interesting to see there is a "Slim/Long Portion" category now on most every
webstore. In a recent
BuySnus order I picked up the two latest additions to see what they're all about. The first one is a slim portion version of their original portion. On their "Skruf Scale of Power" on the side, this is a 2/4, so right in the middle. The original is described as
"A flavor just like the popular Skruf Original, with a taste of pure tobacco with undertones of rose oil and bergamot. Again, the slim portion size will fit better under your lip!"

The portions are longer than the original portions, but thinner. Traditional "long/slim" side. The tobacco is evenly balanced so not much need for "fluffing" the portion. The moisture content looks to be much like the Swedish Match 0102 line, not as wet as an original, not as dry as a white. That perfect "right in the middle" balance. The taste is great, much like the original Skruf flavor profile - traditional bergamot with a little rose oil thrown in for added measure. They're the only company that does this, so the "Skruf taste" is very unique. It's a unique twist on the usual flavor. The flavor is a little more mellow than the Skruf Original Portion, but still just as good. If you're a Skruf fan but want to enjoy the most comfortable portion type around - long portions are definitely the way to go. I really hope someday all portions go to "long".
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