The Catch line goes through more makeovers than Michael Jackson. I like this new look. It's clean, simple, and pretty. It's no secret that Catch is a line for women. The products going through the makeover include Catch White Eucalyptus Large, Catch Dry Eucalyptus Mini, Catch White Licorice Large, Catch Original Licorice Mini, and Catch Dry Licorice Mini. Many of these I've never reviewed but I plan on doing that in the coming weeks. I'm really behind, it seems I've reviewed hundreds of snuses, but there's still tons more I haven't. If you follow our
Facebook Page, you can see a huge stack I'm working through this week as well of your most request reviews. So more coming in the future! Along with the Catch change, 01 is getting yellow lettering. Not sure why, but apparently SweMa focus groups said they liked it better this way, so school bus yellow it is!

One thing that's interesting to note is that on all new Swedish Match cans going forward is the 3 star logo on the side of all the cans. It may seem like something small, but this is designed to separate all Swedish Match products from others on the market. This small but simple mark on the cans will help designate Swedish Match products as unique and separate from other similar products. I know, and many of you know, what is a Swedish Match product, but this will help those new to snus or those just picking up a can off the store shelves.

Last but not least - the new Goteborgs Rapé White Portion snus - Åre Edition 2012. Before I get into this snus, I do want to mention a special price. I was talking with Larry from
SnusCENTRAL the other night and he mentioned a deal at the
SnusCENTRAL.com webstore. The new
GoteRape at a really, really low price. $24.99 a roll. 2.49$ a can is low, especially for a Swedish Match product. So if you're a fan of GoteRape or just a collector of limited edition cans like I am, this is a great deal. If you don't care about how the can looks but love GoteRape - definitely check this out because it's ubercheap. And the can is cool,
Åre is one of the biggest Scandinavian ski resorts - hence the can design.
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