Ladies and Gents, the day is upon us. Nordströmmen Brandy Alexander is
available for pre-order now at
BuySnus.com. If you remember the video I did on our
YouTube Channel, V2 Tobacco challenged the snus community to make sure their page was to 500 likes by the end of 2011 - in return, we would see a return of Brandy Alexander Los. I was quite impressed to see word spread and snusers come out in full form to make sure this happened. When the new V2 Tobacco factory
opened earlier this month, it was announced that Brandy Alexander would be one of the first snuses rolled out of this state of the art factory. What does that mean? Same great recipe but with a much more precise production system. That can mean only one thing - a great snus is going to be even better than ever before.

When I started Snubie.com in 2009, Brandy Alexander was one of the first snuses I ever tried. V2 released the Nordströmmen Loose Limited line in early 2009 with some of the best flavors I've ever encountered including Brandy Alexander. After it was gone and the last of the cans sold I sat with a small supply of what I had purchased, a few rolls in storage that I have made until now. I'm working my way through the last can, and until recently it was a bummer to think about it being gone forever. The flavor is great - mellow tobacco with hints of brandy and chocolate notes - it's a great flavor. In the way that Oden's 59/Kanel is good anytime even though it has a cinnamon flavor that many would say is a "dessert" snus, this snus is good any time of the day as well. I talked to Patrick from V2 Tobacco yesterday and was told that Brandy Alexander started production today - and it's now up for pre-order. I can't tell you how many snuses I've reviewed, but I know it's quite a lot. In as long as I've been doing this, and I put my reputation as a reviewer on the line with this, I've never had a snus that was as tasty as this one. I can't thank V2 enough for bringing this back, and I'd really like to see this stay around. Granted, I will be stocking up in case it doesn't - but we could make it stick! Get your orders in, pass the word around, let's show V2 that we want Brandy Alexander to stay in production! Thank you all for helping make the Facebook contest a success, now let's show the V2 folks why we fought so hard to make this happen.
I for one will continue to order this one. Started with my 3 rolls which I can use vigorously knowing there is more to be ordered! Thanks Chad for making this happen in combination with Patrick and the guys at V2! You guys rock!