I love free shipping deals. It almost reminds me of the old days when Swedish Post reigned supreme and an order of snus was ubercheap. BuySnus sent out this email today, "Free Shipping on all orders*! This fall, we celebrate our 7th anniversary and we would like to thank all our amazing customers for their support and feedback over all those years. Without you, there would be no BuySnus! So we want to say THANK YOU! by offering free shipping from Tuesday until Thursday this week (September 27th until September 30th; UTC/GMT+2). *UPS Saver to USA and Posten to the rest of the world. Please note that we do not ship to EU countries." So if you're wanting to re-stock your PACT hoarding or pull the trigger on that order of new stuff you've been wanting to try - this is the time! It's only valid Tuesday through Thursday, so get in on it while you can!
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