Granit (Original Portion) - Review. 31 August 2011.

Review Updated:  16 March 2021

Since I started in 2009, this is the product I think I've done the most reviews of.  This is now the 5th time I've had it.  I had it for the first time in 2011, then did reviews each time the design changed:  2016, 2017, 2020, and now again in 2021.  I'm guessing Fiedler and Lundgren are quite fickle when it comes to this can design, as they have yet again redesigned the Granit brand.  My favorite design was the one from last year, mainly because it got the FlexLid, which is a catch lid that actually expands as you add more used portions to it.  This new design is interesting, but it kinda reminds me of a watch face.  The flavor description of this one says, "Classic snus with traditional tobacco flavor".  Each can weighs 18.7g and has 22 portions, for 0.85g portions.  The nicotine content is 9mg/g (0.9%), or 7.65mg/portion.

When you open the can, you'll notice and earthy, base tobacco smell.  It's accompanied by a light touch of bergamot, along with tones of pepper.  The portions are plump, and semi-moist in nature.  They're pretty comfortable under the lip, as well.  In terms of flavor, it's very much the traditional snus flavor, but more tobacco forward.  Most traditional flavored snus are more heavy on bergamot on the front end, but this one seems to be the other way around.  The tobacco taste is up front, along with a hint of bergamot behind it.  It's peppery, but not too peppery.  The nicotine strength feels around the regular strength, and the flavor lasts about 50-55 minutes on average.  Pretty impressive for an original portion!

Rating and Final Thoughts

I rated this one at 3.42/5.  It's not a bad snus for a budget option.  I fret even calling it "budget", because it doesn't have a budget quality to it.  It still seems very much like a solid quality snus product.  I'm much more partial to the LD line of snus myself.  But this one isn't bad.  If you're into traditional snus and want to save a few bucks, it's not bad.  It's a decent snus.  Just I prefer LD, myself.

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