Snus News. It seems like there are months that will go by with absolutely nothing going on, and then all of a sudden one week a TON of stuff happens. This past week just happened to be one of those weeks. So instead of writing a bunch of mini-articles, I'm taking the easy way out and putting it all into one. Lazy? Maybe. But, as a single dad, things can get kind of hectic. Thank God for snus and Red Bull. It keeps me going. Or sometimes if I'm feeling crazy
caffeinated snus AND Red Bull. I wouldn't recommend that to newbies. It can be a bit much! But anyways - a lot going on in the snus world right now as 2010 comes to a close, so without further delay, here's a little update on what's buzzing. reported that Swedish Match is switching
almost all of their white portions to star formations. Classy!
"This year Swedish Match will change every White Large snus. The pouches will now be placed in a Star Formation, just as General Onyx is.
The transformation has already started with Göteborgs Rapé No2 and in October will General Mint, General Wintergreen, Grovsnus White and Grovsnus Svart change. Tre Ankare will get the Star Formation in December." I did notice something was missing from the list though.
Anthony, looks like they're neglecting Roda Lacket for some reason.

Our friends at
Northerner have launched a new website that looks to do a little snus bargaining. Hence the name. I won't go into too much of the specifics, but to learn
How It Works, follow the link and you can read up on it. I think it's a cool prospect - and anything to save money on snus is alright in my book.

The kind folks at are having a contest to help fund your pursuit, whatever that may be.
"The Original Swedish Snus wants you to live out your own Original Pursuit. You could win $10,000 to make it a reality. You have to be a resident of the USA and over 21 to enter the competition." Follow this link to read up on it. Right now, my pursuit is more snus. I wonder if I include that in my entry I automatically win? More importantly, I wonder if
World Renowned Snus Bloggers are allowed to even enter this contest?

As many of you know, in the EU there's a ban on snus. The US can whine about the PACT Act/Law all we want, but they have a straight-up BAN on snus. I'm sure it's just the ciggie companies snusblocking so they can get more profit. And yes, I totally just invented the word snusblocking. There's a new website up, Europeans For Snus, at and a petition as well. They say,
"The European Commission is now in the process of revising the Directive, which today denies European tobacco consumers the right to access snus should they want that. We believe it is time for European consumers to stand up for their right to benefit from the full benefits of the Internal Market and enjoy equal access to snus as other tobacco consumers have to their preferred product." It's a noble cause, so please pass the word around so our friends overseas can get their snus without delay.

Last but not list, something new I'm really looking forward to. The
"Snuff Takers Ephemeris". It's headed up by Mick and Feck from
SnusCENTRAL, a couple of guys I've known for a long time who helped me when I first started with snus. To be honest - this is a great idea. How many of you read this blog or any other snus site on your iPhone from the comfort of your porcelain throne? I think a snuff/snus magazine/publication is something that is going to be big, and I couldn't imagine two better guys to head it up. Mick is very helpful, insightful, and knowledgeable about snus and snuff. And Feck knows more about tobacco history than anyone I can think of off the top of my head. Head over to their site and sign up to get your copy. And for those wondering what the word Ephemeris means, notes it as the following.
"An annual publication giving the positions of the sun, moon, and planets during the course of a year, information concerning eclipses, astronomical constants, etc." I guess the only thing I can pick out of that is "publication". But at least I know what it means now.
on F-book, said Roda was going over to the star side, too. About the same time as The Anchor.