Jakobsson's Wintergreen now available for pre-order! 4 May 2010.

The folks over at Northerner.com have a new product for sale, and it's something the snus market could definitely use more of. Granted, I'm not the biggest fan of Wintergreen - I've gone on record with that one. But knowing the quality of snus that Gotland's produces, I think this may be one of the finer Wintergreen offerings in the snus world. First, a little detour. I don't like the warning on top of the lid. I think it's excessive, and warnings like that are truly going to scare people away from snus by having to present blatant lies like that. No fault of Gotland's or Northerner, of course, but the blame lies on the FDA and their ridiculous requirements of these warnings. Check out this article, it's one of my few rants, but it was about these product warnings. Angry moment. That being said (and I promise I'll come back off this tangent), you can pre-order Jakobsson's Wintergreen at Northerner.com right now if you can't wait to get your Wintergreen fix. Good to see more Wintergreen snuses coming, because even though I don't dig them myself, I think this one might be good. Gotland's produces some of the finest snus, so I look forward to seeing what this offering is all about.
