NOTE: This product was a limited edition release and is no longer for sale.
Let it never be said that V2 isn't creative. In 2008 they released a limited edition with flavors such as Hot Honey, Wild Strawberry, Brandy Alexander, Eucalyptus and Orange. In early 2009, under the Nordströmmen line, they released a great lös collection with flavors such as Brandy Alexander, Mandarine, Dark Vanilla, and Chocolate Raspberry. And now, Offroad Limited Edition 2009 with flavors such as Chocolate Raspberry and Mandarine (returning from the Nords line, this time in portion), and adding on Mango Creme, Moonshine, and Sweet Clove. Alot of creativity went into this - and the snus was tested by actual snus users, and V2 listened to the response that was given to formulate this new line. You won't see that with cigarette companies, one of the things I love most about snus is the fact the snus makers LISTEN to their customers.

This year, they come in a very cool shiny metal tin with the Offroad logo on the outside and "Limited Edition 2009" underneath. It makes for a great collectors item, because we know snus lovers keep their cans. We know about that stash of old cans in your closet. Now, about the snus. First of all, this is a great line. I mean, it's really good. I thought the Nord's los line was great, but this takes it to the next level. Alot of research, testing (with real snus users), and love went into making these, you can tell from the moment you open the cans, to the time you take the portion out. About the portions - wow. These are among the most comfortable I've ever had from V2, let alone the most comfortable snus portions I've experienced in general. The snus is very soft, no fluffing necessary! Just out of the can, and into the mouth.

Choc Raspberry. This was the one I was looking forward to the most. This was my absolute favorite out of the Nordströmmen los line, so I couldn't wait to try this one. I am pleased to say everything I loved most about the los carried over into the quality, aroma, and flavor of the Offroad Limited portion. The aroma is very pure, and not too sweet - but smells of chocolate with soft notes of raspberry. The flavor comes on strong from the very beginning, no holding back! A mellow flavor of chocolate mingles gently with the pure taste of raspberry - first as subtle notes in the background, but then mixing into a full, pure mix of chocolate and raspberry - carrying on strong until the very end. Great job, V2. The flavor of this was also captured very accurately.

V2, kudos to you. Always releasing great new products, keeping it original, and continuing to be innovative with these lines of snus that come out under the V2 company. It's sad, knowing this is a limited edition. Granted, I could do without Moonshine, but the others I could definitely see myself ordering again. Sweet Clove, for instance, should definitely stay around. Offroad Limited Edition 2009 is a great line, and a great way to end out the year.
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