NOTE: This product has been discontinued and is no longer for sale.
1847 Snus, A portion snus made by Phillip Morris AB. I have been waiting a while to try this snus, due to the bad reviews I have read, but I decided recently to give it a go.
The smell is hard to describe but it's very perfumey. The taste reminds me a lot of hominy (which is weird, because I like hominy, but for some reason it doesn't work in a snus). It has a lot of citrus and a lot of pepper. It seems very oddly balanced.
Why buy it? The can is pretty awesome. This can and the Lucky Strike can are the best looking cans out there. It's a great addition to your collection (if you - like me, are a can collector). But as far as this snus goes, it wasn't for me.
Crap... Wish I wold have read that before my last order!