Jakobsson's Ice Fruit - Review (Discontinued). 9 November 2015.

NOTE:  This product has been discontinued and is no longer for sale.

This product is special to me, it's one of the first Swedish Snus products I ever bought and fell in love with.  I used it a lot in the early days, and it was the first regular strength product I ever tried!  The product description says, "Jakobsson’s is a premium snus produced from especially chosen raw materials – a mixture of the finest tobacco types collected from all corners of the world. Jakobsson's Ice-Fruit snus has a soft, fruity taste with a fresh, icy undertone."  This snus comes with a nicotine strength of 10mg/g.

I opened up the can and immediately smelled a tropical fruit smell, followed by an undertone of mint.  The portions are quite full, as is common of most Gotlandssnus/Jakobsson's Products and required very little fluffing before putting it in the lip. After I put a portion in I noticed the taste reminded me of something but I couldn't put my finger on it.  After a few days of enjoying this snus I finally figured it out - it tastes just like Juicy Fruit gum!  If you've ever had that before you know what I mean, but if you haven't - it's hard to place a flavor with Juicy Fruit gum.  It tastes a lot like a cross between banana/peach/pineapple/jackfruit.  It's hard to explain, but I can say this - it's a very fresh and fruity taste.  It's closer to a tropical fruit taste if I had to place it.  I enjoy this snus a lot in the summer time, but I order it from time to time to mix things up.  You really can't go wrong with Ice Fruit!

Here's a video I did on this one:


  1. Thanks for the info. I've been looking for a good review of this--I have some ordered and am trying the traditional Swedish Snus after liking the American Camel Frost variety (which I understand isn't a "true snus" to snus afficiandos, but hey, I like it). I'm not the biggest fan of raw tobacco taste--but I do like my nicotine!


  2. I hope your transition is going well. I know it's a long road, and hard to find good info, but I've been doing my best to get it out there through this blog - and my website, Snubie.com.


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