Kapten White Portion - Snus Review. 12 March 2025.

It's been a little bit since I've reviewed Kapten Vit!  This one launched back in 2013, and I did a new review of it in 2018.  PMI bought AG Snus (the original manufacturer of Kapten) in 2021, and then in 2022 PMI also bought out Swedish Match.  So, I did a new review of Kapten Original in 2022, but for some reason this one slipped through the crack.  So, better late than never, I'm here reviewing it in 2025!  The flavor description for this one says "A flavor of bergamot and tobacco".  This snus is very much your traditional flavor.  But, it's a little different from your standard traditional snus.  But, more on that later!  First, let's check this product out.

Kapten - What's changed?

I wanted to show a picture comparing Kapten from 2018 and Kapten from 2025.  I used to go on and on about Kapten portions, they were large, plump, and super soft.  Now, they're Swedish Match-ified.  I like the Star Formation, so usually I wouldn't complain about this.  But, the old portions were so good.  Each can weighs 18 grams and has 20 pouches, weighing 0.9 grams each.  The nicotine content is 12.5mg/g, which breaks down to 11.25mg/portion.  It used to be 6.7mg/portion of nicotine, so it looks like Swedish Match raised the nicotine strength to make it stronger.

Kapten White Portion - The Review

Opening the can, I pick up a nice aroma of tart bergamot and a little pepper.  There is a mild tobacco base, and almost a faint herbal/floral character in the background.  The portions are soft, and semi-dry.  They're pretty comfortable under the lip, especially after you fluff them up a bit.  In the flavor, it's definitely traditional bergamot, but with a little pepper in the mix.  The tobacco base is pretty gentle, and mild.  There's a faint floral character to it, but it's pretty light.  it's a pretty well rounded flavor.  The nicotine feels to be about the strong level.  I find the flavor lasts about an hour, on average.

Rating and Final Thoughts

Kapten is a pretty solid snus.  This one I rated at 3.58/5.  It's usually cheaper than other products, so for the price, it's pretty decent in quality and in flavor.  It's almost like if LD and Skruf had a baby.  I haven't had it in ages, so it was fun to revisit it.  As nicotine pouches have virtually killed the snus industry, I imagine I'll be revisiting a lot of snus products this year.  I enjoy reviewing snus, but we don't get new products very often.  So, this year, stay tuned - many new snus "re-reviews" coming!
