Volt Pearls: Smashed Ice (Nicotine Pouches) - Review. 27 February 2023.

The Volt line originally launched in early 2021, and since then it has grown to include quite a lot of products!  I've reviewed many of them here, and today we're talking about another new one!  This is one in their new Volt "Pearls" series.  If you're unfamiliar with Pearls, this is how Swedish Match describes it:  "VOLT Pearls is a completely new type of nicotine pouch and has a unique release technology. Instead of the usual "filling" you find in nicotine pouches, VOLT Pearls have small pearls that give the bag a unique feeling when used and also create a balanced and efficient delivery of taste and nicotine".  I've reviewed two Pearls products before, but the line is still growing and adding new ones, such as this one!

You already knew I was going to cut one open to show you what's inside.  It's kind of my thing.  This is how they describe the Pearls:  "The Pearls technology means that the contents of the bags have been compressed into small, tiny pearls and then each pearl has been given a coating of aroma."  As you can see from the photo to your left, sure enough, they're little pearls.  We'll talk more later on how they feel in the mouth, but I wanted to do a more closeup look at what these actually look like.

The flavor description for this one says, "An intense menthol kick with notes of fresh green mint and aromatic eucalyptus".  Looking at the pouches on the left, you'll see 21 in the can, weighing 0.7g each (for a total can weight of 14.7g).  The nicotine content sits at 15mg/g, which breaks down to 10.5mg/pouch.  When you pull out a pouch, you'll notice it feels kinda dry, and not quite full.  The pearls in the pouch are small, and firm.  The aroma that comes through is a straight up, powerful menthol smell.  Putting a pouch under the lip it burns at first, then has a little cooling sensation.  It's not super comfortable until it starts to get more moist, then it'll soften up a bit.  In the flavor, it's a pretty present, strong taste of menthol.  It has a little sweetness to it, along with a very faint hint of herbs.  In the strength, I'd put it close to the strong level, giving a quick, strong delivery of nicotine.  The flavor lasts about 45-50 minutes, on average.

Rating and Final Thoughts

I've you're familiar with my reviews, you know I don't really do a lot of menthol flavored stuff.  It's not usually my cup of tea.  So, in the flavor department this one sits at a 2.5.  Overall, it's a 3.13/5.  If you like menthol, you may dig it.  I didn't really notice a difference between "pearls" pouches and regular nicotine pouches, but your experience may vary!

This product available at SnusMe.com!

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