Baron & Cuba (Nicotine Pouches) - Review. 21 August 2021.

I've had some requests to review some of these Baron and Cuba Nicotine Pouches.  I had some a while back I was going to review, but I heard they were made in Russia so I skipped on them.  When I talked to the folks at Nicotobacco, they reassured me that these were made in Poland.  But, I enjoy the 77 Nicotine Pouches, and those are made in Poland, so I figured I'd give these a shot.  These come in a variety of strengths and flavors, but they do have one thing in common:  contents.  Each can weighs 13 grams and has 20 portions, for 0.65g each.  All of the portions are soft, semi-dry, and pretty comfortable.  They're lighter in weight but not too weak.  All of the portions are white, except Blackline, which has a black portion.  They all have about the same flavor longevity:  30-40 minutes.

Now, let's get into the reviews!

Baron Cherry Cola (Nicotine Pouches)

Flavor Description:  "Cherry Cola"
Nicotine Strength:  10mg/g (1.0%) / 6.5mg/portion

Review:  This one I was pretty curious about.  I know there's already a pretty amazing cherry cola nicotine pouch out there (duh, because I made it).  But I'm curious to see how others do this type of flavor. In the aroma of this one, it's a mild aroma of cherry along with a light hint of cola, and some menthol.  In the flavor, it's mostly cherry.  It's a really mild taste of cherry, along with a light sweetness and a subtle hint of cola.  As far as the nicotine strength goes, it feels a little below regular.
Baron Classic (Nicotine Pouches)

Flavor Description:  "Sweet Mint"
Classic Gold Nicotine Strength:  22mg/g (2.0%) / 14.3mg/portion
Classic Black Nicotine Strength:  40mg/g (4.0%) / 26mg/portion

Review:  Both of these are identical other than the nicotine strength.  They both have a sweet, smooth aroma of spearmint.  It's mild in nature, and has a fresh presence with a cooling sensation under the lip.  The flavor of both is a smooth, mild, lightly sweet taste of spearmint.  For the Black one, the nicotine strength feels a little above extra strong.  For the Gold one, the nicotine strength feels to be between regular and strong.

Cuba (Nicotine Pouches)

Flavor Description:  "Classic Double Fresh"
Cuba Blackline Nicotine Strength:  43mg/g (4.3%) / 27.95mg/p
Cuba Whiteline Nicotine Strength:  20mg/g (2.0%) / 13mg/portion

Review:  Both of these are the same other than strength.  In both of them, I notice a very mild aroma of peppermint, along with a faint hint of menthol, and an almost earthy presence.  In the lip, you'll notice a light cooling presence, as well.  The flavor has an earthy presence to it, along with a very faint mint taste.  It's like a really mild peppermint.  In the nicotine, the Black one feels to be at the extra strong level, and the Whiteline one feels to be at the strong level.  Also, despite the different color in portions, they both feel to be about the same in the lip.

Baron Kiwi (Nicotine Pouches)

Flavor Description:  "Kiwi"
Nicotine Strength:  15mg/g (1.5%) / 9.75mg/portion

Review:  In the aroma, I notice a mild, natural aroma of kiwi.  There also seems to be a light presence of menthol to it, as well.  In the lip, I encounter a light cooling sensation, as well.  In the flavor, I pick up a natural taste of kiwi, but mild in presence.  It has a light sweetness, along with a hint of menthol.  In terms of the strength, it feels to be a little above regular strength.

Rating and Final Thoughts

All in all, the Kiwi one came out at top at 3.08/5.  Next, Classic Gold at 3/5.  Whiteline came in at 2.92/5. Cherry Cola next, at 2.83/5.  Baron Classic Black came in at 2.83/5 and Cuba Blackline at 2.75/5, both because they were much too strong in my opinion.  If I had to recommend one of them to try out, I'd say Kiwi was probably the better one of all of the ones I tried out.  But all in all, they weren't bad.  Poland is pumping out some pretty decent products.  

Check out our video review:
