Siberia Red (Mini Portion) - Old Review. 16 July 2021.

NOTE:  This is the old review.  Check out the new one, here.

Today we're talking about a new Siberia product from GN Tobacco: Siberia Red Mini Portion.  Now, I have my personal issues with Siberia.  I think it kicked off this "who can make the strongest snus" race which ultimately made manufacturers focus more on strength than flavor.  In turn, these higher nic products are killing people's nicotine tolerances, and moving the focus away from flavor to "oMg tHe bUzZ", which I think is incredibly detrimental to the snus world.  But, I will do my best to be objective in this review, despite the issues I personally have with this brand and what it's done to the snus market.  I grabbed a can of this recently from, where the flavor says, "a taste of tobacco and spearmint".  Each can weighs 9 grams and has 20 portions, for portions weighing in at 0.45g each.  The strength is the usual 43mg/g (4.3%), but due to the lighter portion weight it actually clocks in at 19.35mg/portion.  

Again, I will do my best to be objective when describing this product.  As a reviewer, it is my duty to you, the audience.  When you open the can, it has the usual Siberia smell:  sharp, focused spearmint.  There's a little tobacco presence in the background but it's mild.  The pouches are pretty small, with a soft portion material.  They come with a light burn in the lip, and then a gentle cooling presence.  The flavor is just like regular Siberia.  It's a sharp taste of spearmint with a subtle sweetness.  I notice a mild, subtle, dark taste of tobacco in the background, as well.  The strength feels about the strong to extra strong level, which is thanks to the lighter portions.  That being said, this is the strongest mini portion I've had yet.  The flavor, on average, lasts about an hour.

Rating and Final Thoughts

Now, I can talk about my personal thoughts on this.  I'm not a fan of the Siberia line.  Again, I think it messed up the snus market a lot, because it turned the focus to strength instead of flavor.  This one is probably the best of the Siberia line, though, because the portions are smaller and it brings the strength down a lot thanks to the portion weight.  But it's not something I'd seek out or anything, hence the 2.5/5 rating.

I will say this, it does have it's place in the market.  There's a lot of folks who want to quit Siberia or step down to normal, humane snus, and this definitely can help with that.  It can give you that flavor you like, and help you cut down on your nicotine level.  You can then transition from this to another mint product, if that's your cup of tea.  

As always, my suggestion for people is not to use anything over 20mg/portion.  I think that's a good cap for strength, honestly.  
